Custom Chain API Methods

Purest comes with just a few pre-configured method aliases to use with the Chain API:

  "method": {
    "get"      : ["select"],
    "post"     : [],
    "put"      : [],
  "option": {
    "qs"       : ["where"],
    "form"     : [],
    "multipart": [],
    "options"  : []
  "custom": {
    "query"    : [],
    "auth"     : [],
    "request"  : []

The actual methods are on the left side and their corresponding aliases are to the right.

Using the above configuration the following Chain API calls are identical:

var facebook = purest({provider: 'facebook', config})
  .request((err, res, body) => {})
// same as
  .request((err, res, body) => {})

Notice that we can call the select() method instead of get().

However you may want to define your own method aliases:

var facebook = purest({provider:'facebook', config,
  methods: {
    method: {get: ['loot']},
    custom: {request: ['submit']}

Then the following expression is valid:

  .submit((err, res, body) => {})

Note: Keep in mind that the actual method names should not be used as aliases.

Note: Your alias methods override any previously defined aliases with the same name.

TODO: Add example about defining custom methods

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