Provider Configuration

Once we have Purest initialized we can create a provider instance. A provider instance needs provider name and provider configuration:

// usually stored in a JSON configuration file
var config = {
  "google": {
    "": {
      "__domain": {
        "auth": {
          "auth": {"bearer": "[0]"}
      "{endpoint}": {
        "__path": {
          "alias": "__default"
      "youtube/[version]/{endpoint}": {
        "__path": {
          "alias": "youtube",
          "version": "v3"
//  both the `provider` and the `config` keys are required
var google = purest({provider: 'google', config})

Alternatively we can use the common configuration for all of the pre-configured providers in Purest:

// the @purest/providers module contains basic configuration for about 150 providers
var config = require('@purest/providers')
// initialize the provider
var google = purest({provider: 'google', config})
var facebook = purest({provider: 'facebook', config})
var twitter = purest({provider: 'twitter', config})

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