Complete Example

For this example we are going to use the request module as underlying HTTP client library. We will also include the basic configuration from @purest/providers. Lastly we are going to create a provider instance for Google:

var request = require('request')
var purest = require('purest')({request})
var config = require('@purest/providers')
var google = purest({provider: 'google', config})

In this example we are going to request the channels endpoint of the YouTube API:

  .qs({forUsername: 'CaseyNeistat'})
  .request((err, res, body) => ())

Here is how the related portion of the Google's configuration looks like in @purest/providers:

"google": {
  "": {
    "__domain": {
      "auth": {
        "auth": {"bearer": "[0]"}
    "{endpoint}": {
      "__path": {
        "alias": "__default"
    "youtube/[version]/{endpoint}": {
      "__path": {
        "alias": "youtube",
        "version": "v3"

Using the above configuration Purest knows how to construct the absolute URL for the channels endpoint.

Given the above configuration we can also use the so called __default path:

  .qs({forUsername: 'CaseyNeistat'})
  .request((err, res, body) => ())

Notice that the __default path can be used without specifying path alias through the query() method.

Alternatively we can provide the absolute URL:

  .qs({forUsername: 'CaseyNeistat'})
  .request((err, res, body) => ())

Lastly we can create a separate instance specifically for making requests to the YouTube API, using the alias option of the Purest's constructor:

var youtube = purest({provider: 'google', config, alias: 'youtube'})

  .qs({forUsername: 'CaseyNeistat'})
  .request((err, res, body) => ())

Notice that using the .query('youtube') method for each request is no longer required.

Basic API

Alternatively we can use the so called Basic API:

var request = require('request')
var purest = require('purest')({request})
var config = require('@purest/providers')
var google = purest({provider: 'google', config, api: 'basic'})

Notice the api: 'basic' key used in the Purest's constructor to specify which API to use for this instance.

Then we can use it like this:

google.get('channels', {
  alias: 'youtube',
  auth: {bearer: '[ACCESS_TOKEN]'},
  qs: {forUsername: 'CaseyNeistat'}
}, (err, res, body) => {})

Notice the alias key in the options object used for specifying which path alias to use.

Promise API

Using the Promise API with either the Chain or the Basic API is easy:

var request = require('request')
var promise = require('bluebird')
var purest = require('purest')({request, promise})
var config = require('@purest/providers')
var google = purest({provider: 'google', config})

Notice the promise key passed to the Purest module.

Then we can start making requests:

var req = google
  .where({forUsername: 'CaseyNeistat'})

  .catch((err) => {})
  .then((result) => {})

results matching ""

    No results matching ""